20 Positive Daily Affirmations for Difficult Times

Daily Affirmations to Help Get Through Tough Times

I’ve been into the concept of Law of Attraction and manifesting your desires for a few years – actually ever since I watched “The Secret” several years ago.

I’ll be honest, it seemed a bit strange to me at the time – the idea that our thoughts created, even in some way, our reality. Yet I resonated with it as I had proof of this in certain instances throughout my life.

I knew that more positive thoughts almost always brought some good results. Yet, when I approached something negatively, I have negative outcomes.

If you consider your own life, you may have had your own experiences where you saw this was true.

However, I didn’t learn more about the idea of manifesting until a couple of years ago. Little by little, I’ve studied more through books and videos, and I’ve seen the results in my life as I’ve changed my mindset.

I’ve done some of the manifestation and visualizing exercises, made a vision board and wish list, and occasionally repeat affirmations.

While I won’t go into the law of attraction or the law of vibration in this particular post, I will say that it’s absolutely worth learning more about, for anyone.

In my experience, the mindset shift isn’t instant and takes some time. However, by changing some small habits and the words we say to ourselves, this will work quicker than you might think.

Our thoughts really do impact the life we experience.

During this particularly difficult time, it’s normal to have moments when we feel down. So many things seem uncertain, and many of us are experiencing changes we never thought we’d see.

This is why I’ve decided to write this now.

I’m a Mom, wife, travel blogger, small business owner and educator. I have parents and in-laws I’m concerned about, as well as as the financial pressures that we all are dealing with in some way.

Yet, I know this is temporary and that things will improve in time, even as they change. I have my difficult moments, but I’m committed to keeping my mindset open and positive.

These are the affirmations that I am saying to myself, and that you might use as well. Feel free to adapt them as necessary to your own particular situation.

20 Positive Daily Affirmation for Difficult Times
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How to Get the Best Results with Daily Affirmations

  • Choose 1-5 affirmations to focus on daily
  • Sit in a relaxing spot inside the house or outdoors
  • Consider looking in the mirror while smiling and “talking to yourself”, like a pep talk
  • Feeling stressed? Breath in deeply and out, with longer breaths as you inhale
  • Repeat each affirmation a few times a day for better results in feeling positive and to see a shift in your vibrational energy (feeling good and a positive forward momentum)
Daily affirmations for difficult times
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20 Daily Affirmations for Difficult Times

1. I’m managing well during this time

2. Things are improving and life is pretty good

3. I have all I need and am abundant (think of food, love, good home)

4. Things always work out for me

5. I’m grateful for my families’ good health and well being

6. I’m a strong person and can overcome any setbacks

7. I have control over my life and home

8. Knowing that I’ve been through difficult times before, is proof that I can get through this challenge

9. I may feel sad today, but I know there are better days ahead

10. I’m not going to be dealing with this my whole life and can handle temporary discomfort

11. The actions I take lead me in the right direction

12. Everything will work out

13. I have the ability to reach my goals

14. The world needs my unique contributions

15. I’m a strong person and can handle what comes my way

16. I’m a successful person

17. I’m proud of myself

18. I’m a positive thinker and know good things are happening

19. I know that difficult times are temporary we will pass through this soon

20. I can solve problems and find solutions

I hope that these 20 positive affirmations can be helpful during these difficult times. Please use these as a base to create your own positive affirmations that will resonate with your personality and experiences.

I even do this with my affirmations. In fact, I’m in a process of adapting and changing my affirmations. As time passes, and my experience changes, my goals and affirmations need to evolve too.

In time, all things change and can even get better. We have the ability to use our thoughts to create the positive experiences and even physical things in our life.

What affirmations are you using that you’ve found helpful during this or another difficult time? Please let me know in the comments below.

With love and light,

Ilana xoxo

Read next: 8 Positive Mindset Tips that Will Change Your Life
