8 Positive Mindset Tips that Will Change Your Life

It might sound a bit kooky, but positive thinking is is an integral factor in almost anyone’s road to success. As a matter of fact, thinking positively is probably the easiest thing you can do to achieve the results you want in life.

Of course, positive thinking alone won’t do it. There absolutely needs to be an action component. However, without these positive mindset shifts, it’s like swimming against the current.

Your business and your life can be easier, and amazing things can flow in with less resistance, almost like they were “meant to be”.

I’ve seen this happen in my own life, and those of others around me. Its truly amazing!

I want to share these easy positive mindset tips with you, so that you see your life start to change for the better.

8 Positive Mindset Hacks You Need to Try

Positive Mindset Tips

1. Be grateful every day

Even if you’re not in a place you want to be, find the things you’re grateful for. Really look around.

Sometimes we think that being unhappy with where we are is motivating, and that can be true. We want to earn more money, or get a better house or place to live, or leave a bad relationship.

However being grateful for our blessings simply puts us in a position to receive and become more abundant. It doesn’t mean that we should settle for bad stuff in our lives. On the contrary, our gratefulness is our starting point and a bit of a mindset hack.

This is where good comes after good. In other words, feeling positive and coming from this place of appreciation builds momentum. This makes it easier for good things to come into your life.

Here’s a practical way of looking at it

Maybe you’re at a job you really don’t enjoy, and after work you’re working on a side-hustle project that you’re really passionate about. The days can be long and tiring, but if you get down about it, you’re less likely to be motivated to work on your dream when you get home.

So, try this little positive mindset trick, to keep your energy up all day, and into the evening.

As you get in the car to drive to work, put a grateful thought in your head – something like:

“I’m grateful for the experience that will be useful in the future. I’m also happy to have the paycheck, that’s allowing me the freedom to build my business at this time without financial stress”.

It might sound silly, but actually feeling happier will make you more motivated and productive.

8 Easy Mindset Tips That Will Change Your Life
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2. Don’t criticize and resist gossip

Pointing out negative things that others do, brings about a negative shift in your own energy, which is the opposite of what we want to do.

This was something I personally had to work on a lot. In the past, I often would get into discussions with others about how things could be done differently, or better.

However, it wasn’t in a spirit of helpfulness. Instead, I’m not proud to say, it was critical and not very useful to anyone.

If you do this as well, don’t be too hard on yourself. There’s actually a bonding element to gossiping, which is why it’s common in friendships and workplaces. But overall, it does more harm than good, so we need to work on it.

Practical mindset trick

An easy mindset hack that works is to hit “pause” on the critical thought when it comes up. Breathe in (this always helps), and replace the thought with a something positive. This takes a few tries, but I found this is a really easy habit to break.

Try and avoid these conversations entirely, both in person and online. One way to get out of it is by saying “I don’t know the whole situation, so I’d rather not comment.” If you need to listen, and contribute, a simple “I hear you!” usually works.

3. Change your language about money

Abundance law of attraction

If you want to be wealthy and have more money, the best thing you can do is actually change your money mindset.

This is absolutely a thing. We were all brought up and have had experiences that makes us believe certain “truths” about money.

Whether we grew up poor, middle class, or super rich, we have certain beliefs about money, and our language reflects it.

Listen to yourself.

Do you say things like “I’ll never be able to afford that”, “We don’t have money for a vacation”, or even “Wow, that’s expensive”?

How about “Money doesn’t grow on trees?”

These habitual things we tell ourselves keep us stuck and not achieving our dreams and goals, so we must work on changing this ingrained mindset.

No matter what you believed growing up, you can think differently, and you’ll start to experience things differently.

One very simple tip, is to talk more positively about money and wealth, and everything money can buy. Look for proof of how money comes easily, and how we can afford what we want and desire.

Avoid words that point out a lack of money in your life, including words and phrases like debt and losing money, and focus on the positive, like earning money and financial freedom.

4. Listen to helpful podcasts

Fill up your time with helpful podcasts and YouTube videos that inspire and teach you.

It’s amazing how we can sometimes feel like there’s just not enough time in the day. However, if you commute to work or have some time when you’re cooking dinner, use that time to do something positive for yourself.

There’s a ton of amazing free content in every niche, so you can learn something specific. If you want to keep learning about how a positive mindset can help you achieve your goals, watch a YouTube video each day to keep your energy up.

If you’d like me to recommend some great podcasts or YouTube channels in a specific area or if you have some information to share, please leave a comment in the comment section below.

I love content about online business, Law of Attraction, money mindset, travel, home decor and more!

5. Limit listening to news

If you want to keep positive and focused, avoid the news as much as you can. While we do want to stay informed, getting too much news and information can leave us scared, unfocused and angry.

Try limiting the news to 15 minutes or even less about once a day when possible, avoiding it at all other times.

This may include limiting social media. You can actually snooze certain content on Facebook, especially if you’re noticing that it’s taking up not only your time, but depleting your normally positive mindset.

I have a little trick – I avoid listening to the news almost entirely under most circumstances. However, I have a deal with my husband, who likes to listen to the news on the radio as he drives to work.

He needs to tell me “the big stuff”. This way I can inform myself when needed, and not be completely out of the loop 😉

6. Give yourself compliments

Why were we told that we were vain or had a big ego, when we were proud of ourselves? It seemed that compliments always had to come from someone else who noticed us.

Did you receive these messages, even inadvertently when growing up?

I did.

Ladies, let’s stop believing those lies and be our own cheerleaders!

I’m 100% for us lifting each other up and helping each other succeed. But, in the absence of this, and even better – in addition to this, believe in yourself!

Look yourself in the mirror, smile at yourself and say “Good job!”. Go further and highlight the amazing things you did, tell yourself how proud you are and acknowledge the big and little things do!

Girl, you’re amazing!

It might be hard at the start, but giving yourself positive feedback is as good as getting it from someone else.

7. Song therapy

Ok, I don’t think song therapy is even a thing, but bear with me.

There’s something about music can make us feel good and happy. It can even give us a positive emotional shift when we feel down.

This is really an underused positive mindset hack that can give you an immediate energy boost, and when used frequently it ill have long term effects.

You may want to have one of more songs that become theme songs for you at a certain point in your life.

Going through a tougher period?

Think of Gloria Gaynor’s “I will survive”

Working hard on your dreams?

Maybe “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey

Feeling like you’re reinventing yourself?

“It’s My Life (it’s now or never)” Bon Jovi

Of course, these are only suggestions. The lyrics of a song may be meaningful, but you might just love a song that has a great beat and you can dance to.

As long as the song brings you a good feeling, it’s great tool to feel positive and motivated.

Today is a New Beginning

8. Go to bed with the right mindset

Most of us go to bed and this is when the negative thoughts come out to play.

We may rehash the day, and the mistakes we made. More likely, we beat ourselves up for eating the wrong food or not doing everything on our to do list.

Mentally, we make a list of what needs to get done tomorrow, no matter what. No wonder we toss and turn and don’t sleep well.

The truth is, we need to change this nighttime habit. When we go to sleep with worries, we wake up with a heaviness and it’s harder to start the new day with energy.

Good days that are productive have a snowball effect. The momentum of mostly good days can achieve amazing results!

Here’s the little mindset trick you need to do.

Every night when you go to sleep, think happy, positive thoughts. This may include visualizing your future self with whatever you want to achieve. Really see it and feel it.

You may also want to use this as a time to count your blessings and think about how things are going your way and working out.

Reaffirming these positive affirmations often, especially before bed, is helpful. You’ll likely find that more to times than not, you’ll wake up feeling good, and in a positive mind frame.

Day after day, these small positive actions will literally shift your life. You are on your way to feeling happier and achieving your dreams!

Recap: 8 Easy Positive Mindset Tips that Will Change Your Life

These simple mindset tips have had a profound effect on my life, and have led to real life results. I hope that you see some positive results in your own life by making some of these mindset shifts.

Have you ever noticed that your thoughts and feelings really do make a difference? What tips have you used that have been helpful to you? Please let me know in the comments below.

Ilana xoxo
