If you’re trying to start something new, whether it’s going back to school or starting up a new business, I’m willing to bet you’ve had your struggles with impostor syndrome.
Even when we feel qualified and know we are competent, somehow a little voice in our heads tells us that we’re just not good enough. Worse yet, it may say, “you’re a fake and everyone will know”.
Is Impostor Syndrome real?
Yes, impostor syndrome is real, although not a mental disorder. People suffering from impostor syndrome has been documented and studied since the late 1970’s.
Impostor syndrome is when, at least in certain circumstances, we feel like a fraud. We might worry that we aren’t competent, qualified or talented “enough” and that soon everyone will know.
“I still sometimes feel like a loser kid in high school and I just have to pick myself up and tell myself that I’m a superstar every morning so that I can get through this day and be for my fans what they need for me to be.”
10 Useful Tips to Get Over Impostor Syndrome
So how do you really get over impostor syndrome, especially if so many people feel this way at some point in their lives?
The truth is, we may not be able to totally get over it, but we can definitely work through it!
In this post I’ll share 10 practical mindset tips that will help you get through those moments when you’re lacking confidence.
By integrating some of these practices into your everyday life and routine, you’ll be able to get through those “impostor syndrome” feelings and squash them before they take hold.
1. Give yourself a pep talk
What would you do if your friend called and said “I’m not going to be able to give this presentation. Even though I know the topic, other people know it more and it will be a huge waste of everyone’s time.”
You’d talk her up of course!
“Omg, you NEED to do this presentation. Even though others may also know your subject, you bring your own lessons and takeaways and people will get so much out of it!”
Sometimes, we need to be our own cheerleaders! Tell yourself what you need to hear.
Remember that you are talented, competent and worthy. People don’t watch only one tv show or read one book. You have unique gifts to share and the world needs your contribution.
2. Focus on being helpful
One of the best ways that I’ve found to get out of my own head, is to focus on being helpful. By putting the focus on the other person and what they are getting, it’s really not about you, is it?
For instance, let’s say you’ve started something new, like a YouTube channel. Rather than worry about how you look on camera and if you’ll stumble over your words, think about what helpful information you can share with the person watching.
Taking the focus off you, actually puts things in perspective. Be helpful and add value and you are guaranteed to make a positive impact, no matter how large or small.
3. Embrace your imperfections
If you do any one thing, please let go of perfectionism. There’s nothing that will ruin your chances of reaching your goals more than trying to be perfect.
Sometimes, we try to be perfect, so no one will question our knowledge or professionalism. We want to present the best image we can.
While this is noble, how many times do we let it stop us because we just don’t think we’re good enough or prepared enough?
Embrace your flaws and everything that makes you human. You aren’t “perfect”. I’m not perfect. We need to realize that no one really is.
4. Remind yourself of your successes
Hey superstar! Look at you with everything that you have accomplished. Believe me, there are some people looking at you and thinking you’ve got it all together!
Know your worth
Years ago, I updated my CV while I was at a current job. The truth is I wasn’t very happy at work and was feeling pretty deflated.
As I updated my resume, I listed my roles and responsibilities at work, as well as the projects I led and worked on. I updated my education with courses and workshops I’d taken. I added the volunteer work I was doing through the parents committee at my children’s school, and the management role I had on my son’s sports team.
I cannot tell you how much taller I stood after this. This exercise in taking stock of everything I accomplished and was good at, helped me to know my worth.
At least once, write down everything you have accomplished, both at your home or business and in your personal life. It is a guaranteed confidence booster
5. Screenshot testimonials
Sometimes outside forces can give us a boost of self-esteem and remind us of the impact we have.
Have people said nice things about you or the job you’ve done? When people make nice comments or send thank you emails, keep them in an easy to access file on your computer or phone.
If you share your content online, take screenshots of positive comments on Facebook, YouTube or elsewhere. Don’t forget to save them in an photo album on your phone.
When you’re having a crisis of confidence, take a look at all the awesome things people say about you as a reminder of your “greatness”.
6. Change your vocabulary
Be intentional with your words. If you’re having a hard time, try framing it as a challenge rather than a setback. As much as possible, replace words that remind you of your insecurities and choose words that empower you.
This is not only important when speaking to others, but when you have your own inner dialogue.
Of course, this doesn’t mean being fake or not ever having down moments. However, putting yourself down with your own words will never make you feel better and more confident, so be careful with this.
Seriously, there are enough critics – we don’t need to add to that space. We have much more to gain by lifting ourselves up, so we can confidently share our gifts with the world.
7. Persevere (You Go Girl!)
There may never be a time that everything is 100% easy. However, the more you put yourself out there and try new things, the easier and better it gets.
So, if something is hard, figure out the steps so you can break down the tasks. Little by little, you’ll accomplish the small things, which will lead to bigger results.
If you’re a bit scared, do it anyway. Then pat yourself on the back for courage and a job well done, no matter if the results.
8. Remind yourself that everyone starts somewhere
I have a confession. I create YouTube videos on a travel channel. Even though I’ve been filming them for over a year, and they aren’t even LIVE, I still get nervous.
Worse than that, I still have times when I totally feel like I’m an impostor, just making it all up. Even though I have a decade of experience behind me in my travel niche and blogging, there are days it doesn’t stop the critics in my head.
So I have a trick where I remind myself that everyone starts somewhere, because it’s true. Whatever you’re working on is a journey, and a work in progress.
If you need a tangible way to do this, read a book about how someone you admire started out. Most of the time, it wasn’t that they didn’t have challenges, but they kept going and became more of themselves, and success followed.
9. Visualize your success
If you’ve heard a little about the Law of Attraction, you’ll know that visualizing what you want is one of the surest ways to have it actually happen in real life.
Whether you believe it or not, there’s a lot of proof that visualizing is very effective. Elite athletes even use visualizing techniques as part of their training to improve their performance. It seems that this mental rehearsal, actually improves both psychological and physical reactions.
This mental practice of visualization will work for you too, to help you achieve your goals and feel more confident.
Here are a couple of tips – imagine in detail what you want to accomplish. How does it look, feel and even sound? Think of visualization like daydreaming with a plan.
10. Affirmations
Both visualization and affirmations can be extremely helpful ways to change your mindset, especially if you have a tendency to put yourself down.
I’m not a Law of Attraction expert, but I’ll be honest in saying that I love learning about the topic. I’ve used a lot of techniques and get results, so I feel comfortable in sharing just a little.
When you say positive affirmations, the idea is to repeat the things you want to believe and/or the things you want to happen. Many people find it’s a great way to boost confidence, feel happier and ultimately manifest their desires.
Final thoughts: How to Get Over Impostor Syndrome When Starting Something New
Having some form of impostor syndrome isn’t uncommon, even though when we feel this way, we may feel like we’re the only one.
Since feeling less than competent and confident is a not good way to live, we’ve got to work on ourselves and our mindset. In this post I shared 10 ways to get over impostor syndrome, many of which have worked for me.
Please let me know which tips have resonated with you. What tips do you use to get over impostor syndrome and achieve your dreams?
With Love & Light,
Ilana xoxo